Jamská 2191/33
59101 Žďár nad Sázavou 1
566 339 111
IČO: 25824031
DIČ: CZ25824031
Datová schránka: 2hicdmx
Bankovní účet:
GB33BOFA16505070035029; 19.1.2016
GB11BOFA16505070035037; 19.1.2016
GB34BOFA16505070035011; 19.1.2016
GB86BOFA16505070035045; 19.1.2016
2112229116/2700; UniCredit Bank Czech Republic and Slovakia, a.s.; 19.1.2016
CZ5954000000000000222631; The Royal Bank of Scotland N.V.; 23.5.2013
CZ0954000000000000222658; The Royal Bank of Scotland N.V.; 23.5.2013
CZ0554000000000000176073; The Royal Bank of Scotland N.V.; 23.5.2013
176065/5400; The Royal Bank of Scotland N.V.; 23.5.2013
GB11BOFA16505070035037; 19.1.2016
GB34BOFA16505070035011; 19.1.2016
GB86BOFA16505070035045; 19.1.2016
2112229116/2700; UniCredit Bank Czech Republic and Slovakia, a.s.; 19.1.2016
CZ5954000000000000222631; The Royal Bank of Scotland N.V.; 23.5.2013
CZ0954000000000000222658; The Royal Bank of Scotland N.V.; 23.5.2013
CZ0554000000000000176073; The Royal Bank of Scotland N.V.; 23.5.2013
176065/5400; The Royal Bank of Scotland N.V.; 23.5.2013